Thursday, May 15, 2008

"Evening and Morning"

Evening and morning, Sunset and dawning,
Wealth, peace, and gladness, Comfort in sadness:
These are Thy works; all the glory be Thine!
Times without number, Awake or in slumber
Thine eye observes us, From danger preserves us,
Causing Thy mercy upon us to shine.

Father, O hear me, Pardon and spare me;
Calm all my terrors, Blot out my errors
That by Thine eyes they may no more be scanned.
Order my goings, Direct all my doings;
As it may please Thee, Retain or release me;
All I commit to Thy fatherly hand.

Ills that still grieve me Soon are to leave me;
Though billows tower, And winds gain power,
After the storm the fair sun shows its face.
Joys e'er increasing And peace never ceasing:
These shall I treasure And share in full measure
When in His mansions God grants me a place.

To God in heaven All praise be given!
Come, let us offer And gladly proffer
To the Creator the gifts He doth prize.
He well receiveth a heart that believeth;
Hymns that adore Him Are precious before Him
And to His throne like sweet incense arise.

Text Paul Gerhardt
Tune: Johann G. Ebeling

This is such a beautiful, beautiful hymn. It reminds us God is always watching over us and taking care of us. Everything is in His hands. V. 2 is my favorite--it's a wonderful prayer.

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