Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hebrews 13:5

5...be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.

It seems people are always promising something. Politicians make promises to us. Ads make promises to us that if we use this or that product, we will be a better person. We find out pretty quickly that these are often empty promises. We see too how people in our lives promise us things and don't always deliver. And we too promise things to ourselves and others that we don't carry through with. Sometimes it seems like a promise doesn't mean anything. But when it is our Lord who makes the promise, it is different; we know we can trust His promises. He always delivers! In the difficulties of life when we are looking for something to cling to, we only need look in Scripture to see the many promises God has made to us. I find this promise in Hebrews so comforting. God will never forsake His children! Though other people may forsake us or leave us, God never will. We can always hold on to that.

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