Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

Good Friday is when we commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. It is a time to ponder Christ’s suffering, His sacrifice for a world of undeserving, sinful people. We cannot begin to comprehend what Christ endured on the cross. But we call it Good Friday because it certainly is good for us. We deserved to suffer everything Christ did, but He was our substitute. He took our place. And because He did, we will never know that kind of suffering; we will never know what it’s like to be forsaken by God. Christ conquered sin, death, and the devil. He atoned for our sin, and because of this we have peace with God. Our God loves us so much. Looking at the cross we see just how much He loves us. All other religions point to people’s good works. But Christianity is about a God Who took on human flesh and suffered and bled and died for us. It’s a love we can’t explain. But it’s a love we know is true, and by faith in Christ, we receive forgiveness and eternal life. I am so thankful for what Jesus Christ did for me. I know my sinfulness and unworthiness. And I know because of Jesus’ death on the cross, I am forgiven. I am a baptized child of God and know that because Jesus conquered sin, death, and the devil, I too am a conqueror.

Salvation came at a price. And today (and every day) let us remember what it cost Jesus to grant us forgiveness and salvation.

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