What an awesome God we have! Not only does He give us forgiveness and salvation through Christ Jesus, but He also blesses us in so many different ways in our everyday lives.
This blog is meant to celebrate various people, places, and things that enrich my life, bring me happiness, or make me smile. There will be a wide variety of things on here, and they are not listed in any order of importance. Some are simple pleasures; some go deeper than that. This is the stuff I dig!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Pastor E. and Lois
Pastor E., who I sometimes affectionately refer to as "Chief," is senior pastor of the church I serve. I remember when I first got a letter from him before I started serving there, he said as senior pastor he was cheerleader to the rest of the staff. And it has been true. Since over 7 years ago when I came to my church, he has been encouraging and supportive. It's such a positive team thing we have going at church! I think a lot of pastors are threatened by women who serve in the church, even if it is in an auxiliary office. But there is none of that at my church. We all know our roles, and respect each other. I have fun memories of Pastor E. like when I was visiting down here before I actually started at the church. I really wanted to see the Arch, so Pastor took my mom and I there and to the floating McDonalds. And there are lots of memories of serving together, sometimes dealing with very difficult situations. I am always impressed with how well Pastor deals with these situations with calmness and compassion. Then he always makes sure I am taking care of myself after dealing with these challenging situations. He has a special gift of dealing with crisis situations. He faithfully proclaims God's Word and is a man of great vision. He has taught me a lot these past 7 years. One thing he said that always sticks with me is how he prays each day that God would guide him to do the most important things for that day. I remember this when I'm freaking out about not getting done everything I wanted to! It has been a joy to serve with Pastor E. I am very thankful to have such a great pastor to work with. His wife Lois is such a wonderful person too, very kind and humble.
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