Sunday, November 16, 2008

Formula of Concord, Solid Declaration, Article XI God's Eternal Foreknowledge and Election (par 48-49)--Chemnitz, Selnecker, and Andreae

Regarding election:
"Furthermore, this doctrine provides glorious consolation under the cross and amid temptations. In other words, God in His counsel, before the time of the world, determiend and decreed that He would assist us in all distresses. He determined to grant patience, give consolation, nourish and encourage hope, and produce an outcome for us that would contribute to our salvation. Also, Paul teaches this in a very consoling way. He explains that God in His purpose has ordained before the time of the world by what crosses and sufferings He would conform every one of His elect to the image of His Son. His cross shall and must work together for good for everyone, because they are called according to God's purpsoe. Therefore, Paul has concluded that it is certain and beyond doubt that neither 'tribulation, or distress,' neither 'death nor life,' or other such things 'will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.' (See Romans 8:28, 29, 35, 38, 39)"

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